It's now official, Quebec enters the last deconfinement phase with bars, water parks, spas, amusement parks and casinos now reopening everywhere across the province effective today. Quebec's director of publish health Horacio Arruda made the announcement just yesterday.
"We are truly in a significant decrease everywhere in Quebec, and even in the Montreal region," said Arruda. "We are now at a turning point in the reopening of activities." According to him, physical distancing and hygiene measures will have to remain in place, even after everything is reopening. All the sectors just mentioned will have to adapt and make sure the two metres of physical distancing is followed by everyone.
"If you go to the bar, you will have to be two metres from everybody else," said Arruda. He also added people who don't live in the same household should be seating and not dancing in crowds to close to each other.
Festivals and other big events are to remain closed/cancelled for the time being. Do you think now is a good time to start reopening bars and amusements parks?